DOSE: 30 mg Baclofen (10/5/10/5).
OTHER MEDICATION(S): Multivitamin (1 tablet). Omega 3 Fish Oil (1 capsule).
SIDE EFFECTS: Headache; slight mood changes; decreased alcohol cravings.
So far my body has been very receptive to baclofen, and I'm hardly experiencing any real negative side effects. I think I'm going to speed up my schedule a little bit and see if everything continues to go well. Since I was getting tired in the middle of the day, I've switched up my dosages a little bit so I'm taking less in the afternoon. I took 10 mg at 8:30 am, 5 mg at 1:30 p.m., 10 mg at 6:30 p.m., and I'll be taking 5 mg before bed. Baclofen has been helping me sleep, which has been great because I had read several experiences of people having insomnia due to baclofen use. Today was my second day at 30 mg, and either tomorrow or the next day I'm going to increase the dose to 40 mg. I went to my assessment interview for my outpatient treatment program, and I start on Monday. I'm looking forward to that. Sorry I'm rushing this entry because I really don't feel like writing anything tonight. Even at such a low dose, I am definitely feeling positive benefits from baclofen in terms of both decreased alcohol cravings and just an overall sense of well-being. I think it was extremely helpful that I had already been sober for a month before beginning. It has been highly recommended from experts in baclofen therapy for alcoholism that at least a few days of abstinence take place before beginning the regimen. Obviously for some people this isn't possible, and I know that when I'm in active alcoholism I'm never sober for more than an hour, let alone a day or two. I'm excited to continue pushing forward and to incrementally up my dose until I feel completely satisfied with the results. Again, I apologize for the sloppy entry tonight, but I just feel like sitting back and watching some TV before bed. Looking forward to tomorrow!
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