My Goals / Clinical Studies & Related Info

I have provided a brief "bullet-point" background of my history with alcoholism, and my current status today. However, as the title of this blog implies, my goal is to use Baclofen therapy as a means to decrease (or at best, remove) my alcohol cravings while still allowing me to live a fulfilling, sober life. I am creating this blog to share my experience with anyone who would care to hear it - any doctors or researchers attempting to find a cure; anyone who struggles with alcoholism and desperately needs to find a solution . I have not begun my Baclofen journey yet, but I am going to write my personal experience with Baclofen using as much detail, objectivity, and honesty as I can muster. My primary goal is to live a life without alcohol, but, and perhaps more importantly, live a life without wanting alcohol. I am going to slowly increase my dose, and report my experience on this blog weekly for the first month, and bi-monthly for every succeeding month after. Below I will provide every article, case study, journal, and scholarly article I can find and remember related to Baclofen as a treatment for alcoholism. If you are hoping to learn more about this treatment method, please read through some of the articles.

Related Information and Medical Studies:

Clinical effectiveness of baclofen for the treatment of alcohol dependence: a review

Suppression of Alcohol Dependence using Baclofen - A 2-year study

Oxford Journal: Baclofen Efficacy in Reducing Alcohol Craving and Intake

Oxford Journal: Suppression of Symptoms of Alcohol Dependence Using High Dose Baclofen

Baclofen Efficacy in Alcoholism

Clinical Experience with Baclofen in the Management of Alcohol-Dependent Patients with Psychiatric Co-Morbidity

TIME Magazine. Treating Alcohol Addiction: Can a Pill Replace Abstinence?

Baclofen Prescribing Guide: For Physicians

The Effect of Baclofen on Cravings: Brain Imagery

Books by High Dose Baclofen Therapy founder Dr. Olivier Ameisen:

The End of My Addiction

Heal Thyself

I will publish more as information becomes available. The French government has just allotted several millions of dollars to the study of Baclofen for the treatment of alcoholism, and they are conducting a large case study as we speak (August 2014). France is the first country to officially prescribe Baclofen for the treatment of alcoholism.

I will begin my Baclofen journey in just a few weeks, and will report with all pertinent details about myself physically, psychologically, etc. in order to provide the best and most useful report of my experience.

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